Atleast my weekend is quite fruitful.
Yesterday I went out to meet Jackie and Mike. It's actually a joing celebration of Mike and his friends and they rented out a two bedroom suite at Marriott Marina so we went to there to meet him. The food was unbelievably good I'm so full I want to explode.
Today, me Renz and Julio went to to Outlet Mall to buy some knick knacks. Well, after so many hours of going around circles, I managed to buy a pair of shoes (for office shoes), some shirts and a jumping rope. Well, I think I'll be ready now for my vacation.
I finally managed to check on the Instax polaroid camera I've been dreaming for so long. I never thought that it will be cheap, maybe I need to save money once I got back from vacation so I can buy it. I so wanted to have a instax camera. Waaaaaa... Although it is still much better to have another camera where I can save the pictures and post online, this one is just like for fun.
Come to think of it, I almost forgot to pay for the internet. Good thing I got reminded by someone.
Two more weeks and I'm off to work! Vacation here I come!